Sunday, May 20, 2018

jogja 18-20 mei 2018

minggu 20/5 (4:40 am)

my dearest Mami, long time not talking to you, how are you, Mami? sudah 10 bulan 1 minggu sejak Mami ga ada and from time to time i still miss you like crazy..

setelah tahunan ga jalan2, di bulan mei ini aku jalan2 lagi, Mami, ke jogja selama 3 hari 2 malam..

ketika melihat hamparan awan dari jendela pesawat, i searched for your face but i couldn't find you.. i was up above the sky, in a place i thought closer to you but still i couldn't see you anywhere..

i went to puncak becici the other day and dari ketinggian aku melihat karya ciptaan Tuhan, pegunungan dengan pepohonan yang menghijau terpapar di depan mata aku, Mami.. i always had this mental image of me screaming your name but in that place i couldn't scream out loud, Mami, i only called you in a whisper.. could you hear my calling, Mami? did the wind bring my whisper to your ear, Mami?

Mami, life is indeed gets easier for each and everyone of us in terms of you-know-what but i would trade it just to be with you much longer, Mami, just so that i could leave this world before you so i won't have to miss you like this..

Mami, my dearest Mami, my sweet loving Mami, my one and only Mami, the only love i ever loved in this whole world, why would i have to live my life without you?

miss you so so much, Mami, miss you so so much..

minggu 20/5 (4:51 am)

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